2. I found a really fantastic tumblr recently. This is it. It will probably only be appreciated by those of us who are into Doctor Who but if you are into quotes than you will probably enjoy it, too. (Goodness knows I do not understand the context of a very large portion of the quotes listed because I have only seen a couple full episodes.) I do know the context of quote #31 because it is only from the best episode ever, the one with the weeping angels.
"A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting." <--using a="" about="" br="" get="" hard="" i="" making="" next="" one="" the="" this="" time="" turn="" wrong="">
"He is too skinny for words. You give him a hug, you get a paper cut." <--officially an="" br="" conversation.="" for="" heads="" in="" life="" look="" on="" opportunity="" out="" quote="" real="" the="" this="" to="" up.="" use="">
3. Going to see a play this weekend! I have pre-play jitters: what if it is not fantastic? The second to last play I went to see was not fantastic. I don't know that I could handle two not fantastic plays within six months. I think I would go nuts and hold a funeral for the performing arts. I would probably hold one for America, too, because you know that America would die without the arts so I might as well bury it now as opposed to later.
See? I would go nuts. Please let it be awesome! I hope that Donny Osmond hasn't spoiled everybody for me, that would not be cool.
4. The two words I use more than any other two words: "I'm confused." Occasionally I go as far as, "I'm so confused." I wish that I would cut it out. Shut your mouth, figure it out, and viola! Confusion gone.
But instead I stand there and whimper, "I'm confused." The Doctor would not be proud of me.
5. I went to see a movie the other day. I saw Super 8 and I just about died. What sick mind came up with that? ;) It was super freaky and disgusting. I came up with this brilliant scheme the other day to revolutionize movie going. Mainly to provide pillows for the patrons who don't have a masculine person to hide behind. Also, trade out those uncomfortable chairs for couches. Couches with matching pillows. Carpeted floors and--yes!--pictures hanging from the walls.
I'm talking revolutionary. Then again, I would rather sit on the uncomfortable, pillow-less chairs because I know that if a movie theatre had couches those couches would have popcorn in the seams and have every single fiber coated in soda. Also, the pillows would smell of vomit and other nasty things.
I guess there is a reason that movie going hasn't stepped up to the next level. The human race isn't ready for it yet.
6. This may just be the most randomly random blog post ever. Possibly because I haven't stepped out of the house, except for work, since, oh, Sunday? Too much time at home can make a person craaaaazy.
7. Some day I am probably going to give in and get myself one of those shiny tumblr things. Knowing myself the way I do, the probability of this is pretty high.
Your link doesn't work.
O_O You like Doctor Who? I liketh you muchly. *nods vigorously*
I love your blog. The End.
And I think I shall be coming to the play with you, although I was confused and didn't see a way to reserve tickets...Hmmmm....
But no Ignite Chicago, I'd rather save my pennies and get 5 day pass to Lifest for $60-odd than a 1-2 day pass for $40. Sorry. =/ I wish I could do everything! And no, this isn't just a matter of money. It's a few other things as well.
I LOVE your idea for the movie theatres! (and the way you spell 'Theatre') Perhaps the couches and pillows could be plastic-covered for all patrons other than us?
I love your random posts.
I love a lot of things.
Are you going squaredancing tomorrow?
And I love your straight line quote and the too skinny quote. I may have to use that second one on Seth. =)
And please respond with a lovely long comment on my lonely blog! I think I might set aside one day a week for going Facebook-free, and blogging/emailing/commenting instead. Because my blog doesn't have many readers. Because I don't have many posts. *sigh* Wish I could do everything at once!
Hence ends the long comment!
~Kiwi d. Fruit~
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