All the thoughts running through my mind and things going on right now aren't really blog material. What to write about?
Last weekend I went to a ladies' tea. We stayed over at a friends' house the night before, our friends have the cutest new baby! Oh, he is adorable! All kids are cute but, you know, some kids are just a little cuter than the others! He is a miniature stud.
There were four speakers, door prizes galore, a luncheon, and getting to know everybody time.
First off, I did not win any of the door prizes, which I did not mind at all. Once or twice I thought, I might like that. But when most of the prizes were announced I hoped my name wouldn't be drawn. It never was. :)
My favorite speaker was the speaker who introduced me to that Avett Brothers' song. I think she had the most relative talk, relative to me. She kept saying, don't do such-and-such and I'd be like, "I so do that! Oops."
Everything was so fancy! Each table was decorated by a different person or a different team of people. I sat at the pink and black, chic table. There was a Paris table, a horse table, an old books table, a bright pink and green table, and so on. It was really fun to walk around and look at all the tables.
The food was served by a bunch of guys in black pants, white shirts, black ties, and white aprons. It was so awesome. I totally expected a three-course luncheon, it was fancy enough for a three-course meal but no, just a salad and a thing of strawberry soup. I really liked the salad! It had quinoa on it, something I'd never had before but definitely liked. I didn't really care for the strawberry soup.
There was also a huuuge dessert table. Different finger desserts made by the same people who had decorated the tables. Very yummy.
On the way home Don't Stop Believin' came on the radio. The way everyone's mood changes when that song comes on amuses me. It is a pick-me-up song if ever I heard one. :)
This is off-topic for this post, but refers to an older post of yours I found on a google search --
You mention doing the play Sofapillio. I remember it from a long time ago and would like to find a copy. Do you have the name of the author, or a book in which I can find it?
Hey Dahmiorr,
The play is from Successful Stunts by Katherine Rohrbough. I found it in The Handbook of Skits and Stunts by Helen and Larry Eisenberg.
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