IT WAS THE MOST EYE SEARING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. Final Destination. Close up image of some sort of eye surgery thing. It was seriously gross looking.
2. Speaking of Work by Jars of Clay. I was recently introduced. Our relationship is going splendidly.
I have no fear of drowningI am feeling less than perky and this song seems to match the occasion. The replay button is serving me well. I'm afraid I've got a mind blank going on, I cannot think of any sad songs. What am I supposed to do when I am feeling sad but don't have any sad songs to listen to?
It's the breathing that's taking all this work
Do you know what I mean when I say, "I don't want to be alone"?
What I mean when I say, "I don't want to be alone"
3. I got called chubby today. I can understand that, though. I am wearing shorts and my legs aren't exactly toned. ;) Hopefully that is not too graphic for any one. ;)
4. I just coined my own "phrase" by smashing a couple of already coined "phrases" together. This is it: "I want to talk to you so badly but I don't want to be the one to start the conversation because I would feel like a stalker and I figure that if you wanted to talk to me, you'd start it."
That would be the child of my current loneliness and sadness.
5. My land, I am having a really swell week. Sorry for the lack of joyfulness! My reason for being upset?
...Okay, I just spent, like, twenty minutes trying to find the gif of the Doctor yelling, "I don't know" but I couldn't find it. So, you'll just have do with my old typing. My reason? I don't know. It's just the way it is. I'm feeling tired, unhealthy, unhappy, stressed, lonely, and generally blah. So there you go. Don't judge me.
6. I had a really good day at work today. It was awesome. We had happy nanny and children bonding time. One of them even asked me when they would see me again before I left. They seem to have also taken to teasing me. This went down before I left:
M: Have fun at the wedding tomorrow!
Me: Oh, I will.
N: You're getting married?!
Me: No, silly.
Them: *haha, we're so funny and cute, aren't we?*
7. It would be awfully helpful, when making big decisions, to see the future. If I know what is ahead than I would know what needs to be done know. It would take all the stress out of decisions. Oi, that would be nice.
2) Here's my favorite sad songs.
Over the Rhine "Born"
It's happy and sad at the same time.
Johnny Cash "Hurt"
Very sad but makes me think of my grandma
3) Chubby what!!!???? !!!??? Ok so I don't believe it
4) Sorry I'm writing you but don't know you well. Sounds a bit like your statement.
7) Yes knowing the future would be nice.
--Shawn Lynes
Oh my goodness I just listened to Johnny Cash's Hurt song. It's rated R, and this definitely isn't something to listen today to on a wedding day.
I like the video of it, but just listening to the lyrics are really really sad. i do recall thinking like this when my grandma died, but still wow. Sorry. Basically if I could give up my whole empire and see her again.
Sorry your life's being lame. I hope it gets it's act together soon. :)
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