Anyways. Yep, I want to be a Breezy Baldwin when I grow up. :P

I was going to post more vLog videos today...but it's like 11pm and after spending all that time making the template I don't really feel like wrestling with Windows Movie Maker. I hate this laptop's video card.
I entered a giveaway today. I'm one of those obsessive people that just enter giveaways all the time. If I get a email in March it means I won a flatscreen TV. I wish it came with the GMC on it... This giveaway gives away a Twilight bracelet or a set of earrings. I got my ears punched in December and don't have any earrings to change into. Anyways, see more here. I really like vintage jewelry, personally. I like the grunge and the oldishness of them. I was told I'd get a extra point/entry if I talked about this on my blog. I don't mind 'cause I think the lady running Jeweled Ambrosia has such pretty jewelry. Etsy is one step short of amazing. Head on over, ya'll, and check it and her out.
Finally, today is netsirK's birthday! I command you all to go to her blog and wish her a happy birthday well in Montana. Here's a cake for you. I hope it just so happens to be your favorite flavour. Enjoy! Have a great birthday! Much bloggylove, I hope Soul Skittles gave you extra blog points.
Well, I'm going to go to end this post, fix one thing on my sidebar, then go to bed. I leave you with this...
For those of you who have not yet seen vLog 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 you may view them here. vLog 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 coming soon-ish. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, maybe next week. Aye.
For those of you have not yet played you may play the music guessing game thing at the bottom of this post. You needn't read the whole post (it's, like, 3,000 words) but the game is at the bottom. The answers are coming...sooner or later. Before March, hopefully.
Loverly layout. Reading the text without highlighting requires some talent, though. Very brave of you to wrestle with Blogspot thusly.
What if you win the Twilight bracelet instead of the earrings? *is aghast* That is a grave risk, young lady. Vintage jewellry is indeed cool. :D And steampunk, which sort of overlaps...
:-o Eeee!!!! I love the layout! It's so much better than i evah coulda done
*reads rest of blog post *
Oh yeah i should give netsirK some bloggy points. *runs to blog *
There. :) Now she have an even 400. hehehe.
I didn't see your last post for some reason... *runs to comment *
Love love love you're new template!! :-D
Breezy Baldwin takes some awesome photos. I have a whole slew of Article One pictures of her's on my AO fansite (Under "Photos" and "Colors and Sounds") The link is on my sidebars.
P.S.- I also like the Frederick Buechner quote on your header ;)
Love the temp! It is a wee bit hard to read though. Not impossible by any means.
Sorry I don't comment more. I just don't have anything else to say after I've been talking to you all day.
I wanna be Breezy Baldwin when I grow up! Either that or Habibi. Either one!
Oh my goodness, the cake even has my name on it!! XD Thanks so much, it's just the right flavor.
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