Going Away

In one and a half hours I am going away. I'll be off to see the wide, wide world! We, that is, Kelsey, Kate, Heidi, my grandmother, and I, are driving down to Chicago where we will catch a train to New York.
I haven't been to the East Coast or on a train in ages! The last time I rode a train was with my other grandmother and two of my sisters when I was a little kid (like, six). The last time I was to the East Coast was when I was in Maine visiting relatives. I can't remember when that was, probably seven or so years ago.

Once we get to New York (sometime late Sunday) we will spend a week at a resort hotel in the Catskills. The hotel is about two hours from New York City. I hope we will get to go there--mostly because I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and I also like big cities. :)

The Sunday after that we will pile into my grandparents car and drive the hundreds of miles across the country, back to Wisconsin. It'll be a long, squished ride. Slightly nervous about that.

I can't wait to go! It will be such a fun, exciting adventure! The only damper is that I will be homesick. I just know I'll be homesick. Poor me. :( I will miss my friends and my family. I'm going to miss two whole Sundays. I am not a fan of skipping church.

Well. I am bringing War and Peace and a book Bonhoffer wrote. I am bringing my camera and my iPod. I have no earbuds right now. :( I don't know if I'll be able to get on the internet well I'm gone, I probably won't.

Anyways. I will miss everybody! :)


Daughter of Eve said...

I'll miss you!! Wow, you will have LOTS of fun though. :) The Catskill mountains are BEAUTIFUL!! If you can, go see the Hudson River, and I don't know exactly where you will be but Bear Mountain is really fun and cool. There are trails down the mountain, which are just markings on trees. :) And you can look down on the Hudson River. That country is BEATIFUL!! ;) Well, tell Kelsey "hi" for me and say I'll miss her (and of course your other sisters too).

See ya in about 2 weeks!

~Queen Lucy~

Kiwi da Fruit said...

*sigh* I feel so left out of all the 'circles' around here....Whell, not quite left out, just horribly uninformed.
Everything about Bethany's wedding: learned from Kirsten and Emily.
Y'all going to New York: learned from a confused Steve & Julie....*sigh again*
Well, I hope you remembered your camera!
Have fun!
p.s. My Grandma and her sisters are going to be in NY later this month, too! So if you happen to see a group of five talkative older women, tell them I said hi, will ya? :D