I Cannot Breathe

Wednesday: Job posts opportunity for advancement. Coworker says, "You should really apply for that position. I think you would be really good at it. I am telling our sup that you would be awesome." Coworker #2 says, "I didn't tell you ahead of time but I put in a good word for you to our supervisor."
(Interruption: Did I tell either of these ladies I was even interested in this?)

Thursday: Fills out form for position. While filling form, has conversation with HR manager, she says, "Good for you! I hear your name all the time. You do such a good work."
(Does being so good now mean that I have a lesser chance of getting to do something else even if it is related. I think yes.)
Does not turn form in. Has sweaty palms all day. At break, coworker says, "[Other coworker] says you are putting in for the position? Good for you!"
(How the crap did he find out I was even thinking about putting in?)
At lunch, Other Coworker says, "Be careful about ----, it is something you're going to have to watch if you want to be considered for the position."
Still another coworker asks, towards the end of the day, "Are you putting in for that new position?"
Is taught process she already knows how to do. Is irked.*
Higher Up Person asks, "Are you apply for the new position?"

I say, "Everyone keeps saying I should."

"But do you want to?"

In my brain I think, "Don't ask stupid questions" but my mouth merely says, "Yes."

*I told him I knew how to do it and he wouldn't believe me. But I am being mature and choosing my battles. This one is not being chosen! I was just insulted at the fact that I was being taught something as simple as it was.

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