Monday Messages

Dear Blogger,

Thank you for making me loose the one comment that I've gotten in the last three weeks. Really appreciate it!

That was sarcasm. This is honesty: thank you for salvaging my "I'm Sooo Hungry" post I thought I had lost forever.

Miss Kristen
Among the Gently Mad


Dear Jesse,

Let's pretend that you exist. If you did exist, how could I avoid you? Do I even want to avoid you? What is the best way to deal with you? Oh, and, stop being immature. And stop using me as third wheel. It's very degrading.

Miss Sophia Wannabe


Dear M----- Highschool,

A little bird told me that you are going to put on the musical Anything Goes in the fall. Does it make you feel good to know that I want to come and I know nothing about the story or the music besides the two songs I've heard (the title song and Friendship)? Does it? You're welcome.

Miss Musical


Dear Weather,

I am sorry for this and I will regret it later but: you are a brat.

Miss Ornery


Dear Les Miserables,

You're the best. I love you. Come and see me sometime soon. We need to hang out pronto.

Miss MIZery


Scott said...


Les Mis

You were the coolest thing ever.
Person who can never remember the lyrics to anything.

Daughter of Eve said...


Les Mis,
Please come back. Soon. I promise I shall never grow tired of you.

