Google Maps Loves Me and My Stalkerish Tendencies

So, I was on Google Maps yesterday because I heard about the cool new thing with allowing you to virtually walk down streets. I looked up a certain address and took a screen shot.

[picture no longer available]

Look familiar? If not, then. And no, wild horses will not drive this secret from me. Mwahahaha!

Currently Listening--
Album: Step Up to the Microphone
Artist: Newsboys


Blueh said...

I don't believe it.

Hey, can you find Jeff's place next?


CrimeSceneFairy said...

:D :D Me want!
I mean, me want go to house.
:D Me uncle is so funneh
Yep, that's awesome. I found mah old house on Google. And our old car. I wonder if it's still there. It looks like a retired pastor's car.....anyways...

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Nice! Let's go to Tennessee and hunt 'em all down! Maybe we could 'just happen' to be walking down the sidewalk and 'accidentally' bump into them....:D

I want to go listen to "Something to Believe in" on Youtube but our stupid computer (I HATE YOU, ANGUS!) won't let us listen to anything! Rrrgh! Are you going to be at the party tonight? Maybe I can hear it there.

I'd LOVE to go to Lifest with y'all, but I can't afford the $68, and I don't think Mom and Dad would say yes to giving me $70 to go see a lot of musicians they don't like. >:^P
But, this coming year, I'm going to be saving up so I can go in 2010.
Ho hum.

I found Shannon Hale's "Austenland" at the library. What happened??? The Goose Girl trillogy was so good, and so were Princess Academy and Book of a Thousand Days! How in the world could she have written such an awfull book? I was very dissapointed. And it could have turned out so much better.
See you tonight, hopefully.