The Yesterday Post

Yesterday my ever loving boyfriend took me to see a movie. We went to see Identity Thief, a movie I had wanted to see and he only saw for me. That reason made it an extra special date, you know how it is.

The movie was okay. The storyline was eh and it wasn't has humorous as I had hoped. The movie theatre we went to was super great, the concessions were very pricey and, according to him, the popcorn was terrible. The ticket prices are about the same as the other theaters hereabout. The theaters themselves are the part that makes it so great, they are big, clean, and the screen and sound are excellent. The best part is the big, comfy bucket seats. The theaters I have been to have seats that leave my butt aching before the movie is half over. These however, are excellently divine. Cozy and comfortable.

Afterwards I cut coupons from the newspaper. (Yes! Coupons, I am one of those coupon cutters. Yes, it shocks me, too.) Took a shower and a nap.

In the evening I went to see the optician in Walmart, how very exciting. I got shot in each eye with a blast of air. And got asked "number one...or...number two?" about a billion times. It was so exciting. And enjoyable.

Beforehand we looked at the glasses available. We have differing tastes it glasses, it seems. He likes black and plastic with thick square rims. I think they look dreadful on me but very good on him. I didn't get any now but probably will at a later date. Looked at a pair of half rimmed geek glasses or a pair of his type but half-rimmed. I do not know.

Maybe I will just get contacts? I do not like the part about putting things in my eyes, though. I don't think I could handle that part. Never mind, getting glasses is the better idea.

Afterwards, we got groceries and utilized $8.50 in coupons. How great is that?

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