The Reason for the Absence

So, you know how in January I resolved to post more on my little blog and then in April I pretty much fell off the face of the earth?

I was taking a class. Yes, indeed. The class started right after I got promoted and my work hours jumped to 50,000/week. So for two months my life was Monday-Friday wake up, eat and shower, go to work, come home, go to bed. And then on the weekend it was Cram City and I AM SO GOING TO FAIL THIS ASSIGNMENT. But then June came, and school finished, and ahhh. So now my schedule looks more like Monday-Friday I wake up, eat and shower, go to work, come home, go to bed. And then on the weekend I cook and cram as much fun and relaxation into the two days as I possibly can.

I have been off school for about three weeks now. My next class isn't until September/October. So! Time to get blogging.

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