Looking for Hair Heaven

About a month ago I decided --get ready-- to stop shampooing my hair. I have three reasons for this

1. In the summer I have problems with my hair not air drying because of the humidity which leads to an itchy scalp and bad smelling hair. I don't like to blow dry my hair because it feels nasty afterwards. So! Obvious solution is to just not get my hair wet when I can't air dry it.

2. Frizzy hair. I have read about how water only washing improves other people's hair textures and I figure if I am careful, I really don't have much to use.

3. Not shampooing and conditioning your hair saves a lot of time in the morning.

My routine is pretty simple. During the week (i.e. when I have to put up my hair for work) I do not get it wet when I shower. I throw it into a messy bun so that it stays dry while I wash and shave. I try to massage/scratch my scalp with the pads of my fingers (not fingernails) at least once a day and give my hair a good brushing. For brushing, I use a synthetic brush to remove tangles and then I use a boar bristle brush to try and distribute the sebum produced by my scalp down the entire length of my hair.

On the weekend (or whenever I don't have to put up my hair for work) I wash my hair with hot water only. I just use my fingers to massage my scalp all over and I run my hands down the length of my hair. I let my hair air dry and once it is dry I do my combing routine with both brushes. I also try to massage/scratch my scalp with my finger tips either before or after I shower.

I am planning to follow this routine until the end of the humid summer months unless reason and good judgement determine otherwise. If it gets to be September and my hair is everything I ever dreamed it would be then I will continue into winter. If not, I will definitely be returning to the shampoo lifestyle!

I am currently dealing with some dandruff which is probably my biggest con right now. My husband and my sister (when I asked them for their opinion) both said that my hair did look a little greasy but not terribly so. I would say that the greasiness has improved. I think that it is less greasy now than it was a week or two into the experiment. The frizziness has remained pretty much the same so far.

So far I would say greasy hair with dandruff is probably about equal to mildewy hair with an itchy scalp. I am hoping though that the transition period will end soon and that I will find hair heaven on the other side.

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