I have been tagged, I must tell 7 weird/odd things about myself and then tag 7 other people. Which shouldn’t be hard because I’m known the world around as "weird." (lol)

1. I didn’t talk or read till very late.
2. I don’t like milk.
3. I loathe oatmeal (also known as porridge)
4. I’m a girl and HATE shopping of every kind.
5. I’m literally obsessed with Narnia! (lol)
6. I’ve made 300 avatars and "siggies" in the last 7 months
7. I do not, I repeat do not like wereing hats

And I will be tagging ReadsAlot92, Luv4Languages, Lioness, SuperAngel, justaname, Becca14, and Curufinwe. Enjoy! (lol)

Also my Chronicles Of Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe 4-disc Extended Edition arived yesterday (Monday)! I waited over a week for it! But the nice thing is it ariveed on the same day that they started shooting Prince Caspian! In the words of Skandar "It was a good day." And also Georgie "Fantastic!" I am very pleased with it and will be writing a review of it for the Entertainment Weekly, which is a small town paper, (paper copies 12). But you can also find it on the internet.

Also, I just opened my new graphic journal, Cauldron Pool today! Check there for great gaphics (Avatars "siggies" and Wallpapers) mostly Narnian but there are others. Enjoy!

Well, I should be back later.

(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)