Twenty-Five and Real Good Thing

I have now been tagged numerous times on Facebook, sometimes being told to write sixteen random things about myself and sometimes being told to write twenty-five random things. This goes too far, mates! The trial and tribulation of trying to come up with sixteen --let alone-- twenty is a trial even I am stubborn to bear.

Then again, I'm lazy about bearing alot of things... Um, here is my list of twenty-five random thing about me.

1. I have two arms and two legs, same as the rest of you.

2. I want alot of things that I cannot have.

3. I have ten fingers and ten toes at the ends of aforementioned body parts.

4. I am on pins and needles waiting for my copy of History by Paul Colman to arrive at my doorstep.

5. I have two eyes and two ears.

6. One of my dearest Presciouses, my iPod, is my biggest time waster.

7. My eyes contain minimal fat levels.

8. I do not care much for most dairy products. 'Sept those such as ice cream.

9. I have two lungs, and a heart on my left side.

10. I am believed to suffer from asthma and allergies. *eyes run, nose runs, and lungs clamp just to prove it* Or, so I am told. Someday I should almost like to spend much money finding out just exactly what is "wrong" with me. Someday...

11. I have a ribcage that protects aforementioned organs.

12. I wish to send you all to Alyosha's blog where you can wish her a very happy birthday. Today is The Day.

13. I have eyebrows and eyelashes. Same as the rest.

14. Sundays have my love. Perhaps my favorite day of the week. No, never mind. They are not my favorite. I do like them, though. *randomly cries "Sunday for president!" in her best anarchist voice*

15. I have vocal cords, a tongue, a neck/throat, and a jaw.

16. I do not have a favorite day of the week.

17. *is running out of body parts* I have a heel and a sole and a lasting reputation of many cases of foot fungus. Huzzah for me.

18. When I was young I did not believe two statements about the world: time flies was one and weekends are best is the other. Now I believe both, to some extent.

19. All the bones in my body have never been broken. Or atleast, I've never been told I've broken anything by any doctor.

20. I have "passed out" thrice in my lifetime from lack of sleep. I also often feel light headed for the same reason. Then again, I am not a doctor so this statement is very forward on my part. Um, moving on...

21. None of my appendages on the ends of my arms are double jointed. None of my joints are double. Unless you want to say that they are double because I have two of them. That's just being smart alec...ish, though.

22. I am sorely tried by the ghost that had no resolve (for those of you who've read Blue Like Jazz) or closure (for those of you who've seen Chicken Little) in The Prophet of Yonwood.

23. I suppose I must refrain from saying that my iPod is a part of my body? Or the ring on my finger?

24. I wear my watch on my right wrist instead of the normal left. Because no one else wears it like this, and when I got my first watch (years ago) I put it on that wrist because it felt natural and left it on that wrist because it was different. I shall probably continue to go about with a watch on my left wrist until my dying day. Yes, a very boring fact for the twenty-fourth. See what I mean? This is very much to long of a quiz-thing.

25. I have teeth, also. Same as the rest. My teeth have no cavities in them, for that I am proud.

*whew* I shall not afflict this tag of torture on anyone else. But if you are one of those people who enjoy doing things for the pure agony of it you are welcome to tag yourself! Except you've probably jumped off a cliff, been hit by a truck, or been trampled by cattle already so I guess this is a dead end. It is my service to the world. My life is complete.

Also, I was tagged by Soul Skittles the other day. One of those shuffle/music tags. These ones are fun. Stupidly random answers and absolutely no thinking on my part. Tell me, what could be better?

1. If your goldfish wanted to be sung to every night, what song would you sing to it?
The Killing Tree - Paul Colman Trio [Oh the oddity of this. Perhaps my goldfish goes through spiritual crisises at 9pm? *grins at Blueh*]

2. What do you think of your friends?
Strong Love - Newsboys ["He swings to the left/She leans to the right" is this a omen we should take up that ballroom dancing on your sidebar, Kiwi?]

3. What song do you play to calm yourself down?
Step Up to the Microphone - Newsboys [If you so desire, O Tag.]

4. What does your family think of you?
Cup o'Tea - Newsboys [Sorry, I'm not your cup of tea but I'm family so you've just gotta put up with me.]

5. What is your code name?
Breakfast - Newsboys [My siblings named me "bookwyrm" the other week. Other code names my siblings gave each other: Blonde, Kleptomaniac, Skipper, Dumplings...and I've forgot the rest. One of them might have been Brownie, though...]

6. You buy a new t-shirt, what does it say on the front?
Something Beautiful - Newsboys [This sounds a little...prideful to me...]

7. When strangers pass you on the street, what do you think?
I Worship You - MercyMe [Oh help...]

8. What will you name your latest work of art?
It Is You - Newsboys [Hmm...I don't compute.]

9. What will they play at your funeral?
This is Your Time - Michael W. Smith [*is most amused*]

10. What will you rock out to at your 60th birthday?
I Got Your Number - Newsboys [It seems I shall be a old maid...]

11. What do you think of cats?
Africa - Paul Colman Trio [I like African cats or do I think all cats should be banished to Africa? *isn't sure* Not a very specific tag, is it?]

12. What will you post this as?
Real Good Thing - Newsboys [Isn't this the song I got the last time I did a quiz with this question? *checks* Yep, it is. Or was...or something else.]

I am going to tag Alyosha and Kiwi. Neither of which have iPods, I believe, but hopefully they both have a twelve track CD and a CD player with a shuffle option. If not, ah well.

And that is all for now, you may all go back to your fine lives! Until next I post.


netsirK said...

Something I Can Never have is a Flyleaf son!
I'm glad you have arms, legs, toes, fingers, teeth, etc. It would be tragic not to have those.

Alyosha said...

What very ...medical... facts. *agrees with netsirK on this matter*

Yay a tag. :D (Yes, my thoughts on being tagged are mercurial. Tags are good in moderation, and if they're intelligent and/or amusing. This one falls into the Amusing category. Especially the first question.) No, I don't have an iPod (alas) but I do have an appallingly long playlist. The fact that half is soundtrack music and thus has names like "The Regrettable Episode with the Leeches" and "By the Canal with Pieter" will make things interesting.

Thanks muchly for the birthday mention though I don't know why I'm important enough to warrant an entire fact *AHEM* I mean, glad to help you use up 1/25th of your torture session!

LOL at #7. (The second #7, that is.) Like, literally LOL.* Oh my.

Hmm. Same here; at least, I've "passed out" twice due to lack of water, and almost did on Saturday due to lack of food. I'm waiting for the day when I will pass out due to lack of books, or lack of Internet access, because I'm sure it will come some day. But we must not call it "fainting." *recalls quote from Leepike Ridge* No, certainly not.

*Most dreadful sentence I have ever written

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I'm not sure who likes those 25-random-things-about-yerself tags either...
I have trouble just thinking of 10.
good idea with the body parts
anyways. :D Thank ye for liking my taggy.
and now suddenly you've reminded me of a monk quote
scientist: Aw man, I'm sorry. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna adopt 10 acres of african rain forest and name it after you
Monk: Thank you...I dont have to visit it, do I?

Heather said...

*sigh* your song titles are so much more interesting than mine. And it would seem Alyosha's are even more interesting than yours. That leaves mine behind pathetically.
