Grocery Shopping is Not For the Weak

Grocery shopping along with meal planning are essential parts of an adult life.

Unless you go out to eat for every meal to which I say, doesn't that just wear you out? And how is your wallet not empty?

I do not personally like grocery shopping because there are too many decisions and there are always too many people and just carts. I also tend to buy too much stuff or buy extra fixin's and then never use them. Like last week when I bought a bell pepper to use with eggs for breakfasts but then only used it once and the rest of it spoiled.

I try to combat buying too much by meal planning, the problem with this is that 1) I am non-commital and 2) I get to meals and then don't want to eat what I have planned for that meal. I hate to commit to eating certain things during a given week but I do my best and then I get to the meal and don't have a taste for what I've commited to. See my problem? I think I need to give myself more options for each meal.

I did a pretty good job shopping this week though. I didn't overspend, I didn't run over anything with the cart, and I think I have some pretty good meal options! This is what I have for the week, I came up with this by looking at what I already have in the fridge and then just adding to it.

Option 1: Pancakes/waffles
Option 2: Omlette with bell pepper for sure and whatever else floats my boat
Option 3: Fried eggs with sausage/bacon
Smoothies as desired and all the options are served with cranberry juice (to keep me alive and kickin')

Option 1: Turkey and Swiss cheese sandwhich with tomato and pickles plus FiberOne bar and whatever snacks I can find

Option 1: Hamburger
Option 2: Peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches
Option 3: ugh, all of this sounds so bad I am just going to eat cookies and Nutella with a spoon lol

And tonight I am having pizza. What are you having?

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