Today and Tomorrow and Et Cetera

Today was my first day at my one job with my different hours, yesterday I started at 8 and got out at 4:30 and today I started at 7 and left at 3:30. So far, getting home earlier is splendiferous, my morning wasn't that grand, though. Getting up earlier wasn't the issue because I got up at the same time that I always do but the scrambling wasn't enjoyable.

My task today was to do a bunch of tagging. I know the system pretty well, how to interpret the numbers and codes on the tags to the appropriate plant in the appropriate range in the appropriate tray. Anyways, I tagged a whole bunch but I freaked the entire time because there were no tags to double check myself with. It was especially freaky when I saw that my next range was 0964 and if the ones I was doing were correct than 0964 was either somewhere completely illogical or else nonexistant. Both of those options seemed...unlikely.

Well, I never figured out that issue because I was called away to assist with a, in the truest sense of the word, Mess. Some plants had been tagged incorrectly, I was sent to fix them and I tried but when I got to the end of the range I had, like, eight more tags but no plants. I got my boss to check it out and she determined that what I did was correct and what we had was, indeed, a Mess. We threw our hands up and went in for lunch.

After lunch I was told that half the field was wrong and I had three people to help me fix it. Or that's what I took what I heard to mean.

O.o Stress, stress, stress!
1. I'm not that good
2. I don't need three people and I can't manage four people (me + them)
3. This is a Mess!

So, basically, it was a fail. Eventually my folks went down to two, but even that was a lot. I didn't trust anyone but myself to put the tags on right and so I had two pulling and sorting tags. Everything had to be moved back one range. Most of the ranges I got myself dreadfully confused so they would complete their job in the time it took me to complete one. Horrid, horrid system.

Some more problem was added in the last bit where one of the direction pink ribbons said 771 when--by what we were doing--it should've been 773. It was seriously...mind boggling.

Thankfully I don't have to fret about this any more. Right before I went home I got the boss to confirm that I was doing the correct thing. :D I do not know if the headache I have right now is a result of that or not. Though, I think probably.

One of my favorite things about getting home is that I get to take my shoes off! It's often very wet in the morning and my socks and shoes are usually still wet when I get home. It's so nice to get those disgusting things off.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I think. I get up at 5:50AM and go to work. I get off work a half hour early and go home to shower and dress for work. I go to work and get home who-knows-when.

This evening I went with Dad to his softball game in order to go to Goodwill while he played. He dropped me off on the way to his game and after I finished shopping I walked over to the game. It wasn't a long walk. 5-10 minutes. The girl in there made me feel like an idiot, she was like, "You look like your on a mission."
"Yeah, I'm looking for a khaki bottom." (I mispronounce it, I always do...even though I know I'm wrong.)
"It's called khaki, honey." (Oh, thanks.)
And then I totally broke a hanger in front of her. *headesk*

I am somewhat nervous about tomorrow because I and another person I know are in competition for this position. I don't know if "competition" is a right word. I and this guy are both being given trial runs and then whoever the boss picks gets the job. Or something. I heard all this second or third mouth. I know this guy who I am against and so I'm pretty sure I will get the position but I'm nervous anyway.

1 comment:

Kiwi D. Fruit said...

So how'd the trial run go? Or have you done it yet?
Heather was talking with me about it, and she said you've got nothing to worry 'bout. =)