Last Week: An Original Composition

Thursday evening something fantastic and amazing happened. My uncle announced that, if we could get to one of Wicked performances that week, him and my aunt would pay for part of our tickets! We had some difficulty deciding who would drive and who would go, only 2-4 people could go and my parents didn't want to see the show or do the driving. We bought four tickets anyway.
By three o'clock the next day we had in sorted, Heather, Kelsey, Katelyn, and I would go and have an amazing time. Everyone else would stay home and have an unamazing time. I think it is pretty cool that the tickets we bought were $140 each but we got them for $125 but due to the assistance of my cool relatives, we payed $75 total. Shhhhweetness.

The big shocker: we left the house on time! This is a good thing because we couldn't find the place where we were supposed to pick up our tickets. We knew the address but we didn't know the name of the place, I thought it was USPS, someone else thought it was something else, and the other two hadn't the faintest. After we drove up and down the appropriate street a few times trying to read the street numbers we decided to just find a parking garage, park, and then find the ticket place by walking. It's only a few blocks, no big deal, right? It wouldn't have been if we hadn't been powerwalking. We found the place eventually, it was a Fedex. We got our tickets and walked several more blocks to the theater. I was glad it was so warm out because I had forgotten my sweater and, on the other hand, I wasn't because I was sweating. It's not nice to arrive at a fancy theatre after walking nine blocks at breakneck speed.

It was so cool, approaching the theater, the lights were all green, there was a poster with a picture of Elphaba during the song Defying Gravity outside. The foyer was decorated with pointy witch hats, there were tables of expensive merchandise, and a few people in costume. It is, officially, the fanciest theater I've been to.

When I saw that the tickets we got were on the orchestra floor, I thought it was too good to believe. Then, the usher showed us to our seats. Left side of the fifth row! Fifth row!! Boo-yah!

The show was amazing! The sets were astounding! The costumes were pretty great, too--very Oz-like. The acting was positively grand and everyone had stellar singing voices.
I am so glad that Elphaba wasn't one of those "Yeah, she was wicked but, because of the circumstances, it wasn't her fault." Know what I mean? She was a lot more of a Robin Hood type character, except better. My sisters say that when she sang No Good Deed she was saying that she was giving up doing good deeds and was going to start doing bad deeds. (Therefore she really was wicked.) I thought she was just singing than she was officially taking her oar out. She was giving up, which isn't, exactly, happy but better than "Say hello to wicked." Don't you agree? What do the rest of you think of the song No Good Deed? (Spoilerish material following.) The Tin Man makes me sad, I liked him in The Wizard of Oz, why did they have to make annoying Bock turn into the angry Tin Man? And I am awfully glad that Elphaba didn't actually die! I thought at first she was going to commit suicide, actually. The monkeys were cute, I mean, when the one was like, "Miss Glinda?" I was like, awwwww! Defying Gravity was the best, of course. Glinda was awesome! One of my favorite scenes was Glinda and Elphaba's "fight" in the second half.
I thought it was a sad play, not exactly happy-go-lucky. I was also really surprised when the Wizard turned out to be Elphaba's dad! "Have another drink, my dark eyed beauty. I have just one more night left here in town. Have another drink of my green elixir and follow me down."

The play was positively grand! I am so thankful to my aunt and uncle! They are pretty cool folks, for more reasons than this, of course. After the play we walked a block or two to the parking garage (found we put about a dollar too much in the meter--haha) and then we went home. Best night ever! :) My legs hurt for a day or two following. We walked a total of eleven blocks. I am not a walker or a runner by any means. At least, I can walk a few miles but I can't do fast by any means.

On Saturday I went to work. Fascinating, eh? I wore white shoes--bad idea! Horrible idea! It wouldn't have been a bad idea if I had been doing what I normally do but I wasn't. Had to clean the tile in a bank--it was really, really dirty! Apparently it hadn't been cleaned in eight years! By the time I was done my shoes were splattered in brown! Ugh! So annoying and disappointing and blah-blah. My nice, perfectly white shoes.

As soon as I got home from work I ran and washed my hands and ran and fetched my purse and ran and hopped in the car and spend off to Super Cool Concert. I went with my siblings and friends to see Paul Colman! Kiwi arranged it and it was a lot of fun. Paul Colman is very fun to watch, I am a fan. :) We got to the concert about an hour before it was supposed to start--we got there a few minutes before Paul himself. Haha! We "watched" him sound check. He said normally people were not allowed to see that part but the other lady totally said we could. We played some dutch blitz while we waited for the concert to start.
It was pretty fun! The audience was so quiet, though! They were so laid back! He played a lot of great songs, I think he talked more than he sang, though. He was so ADD. One subject to another to another. It was funny. It was a pretty grand concert. Hopefully he will come back to this neck of the woods sometime soon!

Apparently I look trustworthy because in the middle of his sound check Paul said, "Here, hold this," and passed me his guitar. I held it for several minutes. Cool, eh?

After the late nights and that one early morning we all slept in on Sunday. Didn't do too hot of a job getting to church at a decent hour. We made it in plenty of time for the service, though.
After church I spoke to this lawyer dude who was like, "YOU NEED TO PASS YOUR TEST OR YOU WILL DIE!!" Okay, not really, but from my point of view, close enough.
This other guy let me drive his car and he said I only had a 60% chance of passing my test. You know, I shouldn't have told anyone I had a test sheduled, I could have just taken it and then not had to deal with the unpleasant "Did you pass?" inquiries. You know how fun it is to say no over and over? Me, neither; but I can imagine it.

We went square dancing Sunday evening. Does anyone want to draft a petition to turn up the air conditioner. I'd be happy to sign it. My first two squares were great, at least they were compared to the last one. Gah! Maybe the last one was just so bad because we were doing some new stuff. We kept messing up! I think sometimes because we didn't know what we were doing and sometimes because we couldn't hear a call. Still, it was very enjoyable!

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