My Third Post in 2012: Stuff

It's twenty-twelve! My brain still thinks it's twenty-eleven, like I've got jet lag or something.

...So, I should be using this opportunity to sleep but, you know what? Teenagers don't do rational things, they stay up late on days they need to get up early. It's silly of them, but they are young and immarture.

Why must planning events be so hard? It's unnecessarily difficult to get people to do what you want them to do. Why everyone doesn't just do what I tell them to do is beyond me. Really beyond me!

I need to collaborate with one friend to host a smashing spinster party come February. I will be composing some text messages tomorrow morning to be sent to my fellow collaborator. We have to have a spinster party Valentine's weekend. It's kind of a must! So, the planning begins! :)

Did I ever mention on my blog that I have three grandpas? I recently got adopted by a nice old guy I know. We're great friends and it's awesome. Anyways. He invited me to go dancing with him next week and to bring some of my friends/sisters with me. So far, only Kelsey is coming with me. And she's not too sure about the being out late part because she has a class early the next morning. And I'm supposed to invite people in pairs, for dancing partnerhood. This is worrying me, very much on my mind. Everyone I know isn't really into this kind of thing or else has a hard time doing late week nights. I however am fine with being out all hours because of what I'm putting in the next paragraph.

I put in a vacation request yesterday and it was granted today. I am so excited to work less than four days next week! I'm free all Tuesday, except the evening. Whatever will I do with myself? Anyone care to do anything with me?

Currently the plan for this Saturday is for me to pick up one of my good buddies at his house and then hang out with together with friends all night long. So excited! It'll be awesome. Hopefully nothing falls through.

And now, to sleep! Cause I really do have to get up on time tomorrow.

(Can winter be over now?)

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