Me Being Weird for Your Enjoyment

Isn't that so lovely and poetic? InPop rocks. They make lovely things for Paul. And oh --*hyperventaliates*-- Paul is coming and I am happy! He's going to be at Family Faith Nite in IL. That's a hour away! Hurrah! I can hardly wait 'til July now. The tickets are $6 each if pre-ordered. Yet to find when and where they can be pre-ordered. Maybe closer to the date.

Okay, so the main purpose for this post is to post my vLog. I explain why I'm making a vLog in the actual video. This would be videos 1.1 and 1.2 and 1.3, the rest will come later. I made these videos the evening of the last Thursday in January. It took until now to upload them. Annoying, very annoying. Oh, and, just so you know. The lighting isn't really bad on purpose. It's because the light doesn't really light the room. Apologies for that.

Um, here they are:

vLog 1.3

More soon...until then you may view the post below and get a chance at the music guessing thingy at the end of that post.


Blueh said...

Weird enjoyment??

LUCKY! Getting to see Pauly...

Oh, well. :)

Daughter of Eve said...

Glad to see you're posting again! ;D You have been tagged with the "What's in a Name?" tag! Go to my blog to get it. Ha ha! Oh, did you hear 20th Century Fox is doing VDT?! Wahoooooooooooo!!!!!

Brittany November said...

Nifty Paul picture! LOL! That's way cool that you may be seeing him. He was awesome on the go tour :)
Thank you for following me and visiting my blog! All new followers get a free coffee mug and pen! :-D *Goes to a cheap hotel* *steals one of their coffee mugs and pen* *Gives to Owan* There you go! :) I also got lotion, granola bars, and a shower cap too! LOL!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Yeah, nifty pic! :D
Nifty vlogs too! :D
hmm. Whai did Godtube become Tangle?
*sees "Why the name change?" link *
*clicks *
*scoffs * That don't help much.
tis like a church changing its name to somethin like... Orange County Community Center....
it's just creepy