Watchin' Scaaary Movies

I am currently watching the most freaky thing you can possibly imagine! It's Doctor Who and it is very creepy. This gas masked, half dead creatures are following people around, calling "Mommy!" and, if you touch them, you'll turn into one. It is unbelievably creepy. Ugh! People locked in rooms with these thing, unable to get out, about to be turned into undead gas masked creatures of doom and sorrow.

So, basically, writing this is my distraction. It is so that I do not have to deal with creepiness overload. I can look at this when the show gets to be more than I can bare. Like, now, when the people are getting chased through a hospital of undead creatures. No way out! No way in! Oh, me, he just disappeared!

There are way, way too many children in this show! Children getting hurt, children in danger.

And now it is bed time but I don't think that I can go.... "Are you my mummy?"

1 comment:

Daughter of Eve said...

LOL! *cough* Agreed. That episode was freaky.

But they're not all that way! Honest!

Hmph. *likes Doctor Who muchly* ;)