Security Breached

I mean...what else do I post about here? I don't really write about much besides my psychological issues.

I will be very upset if it rains on Monday. I'd be upset either way but under the circumstances I will be more upset than I usually am.

Something weird is happening to me. I am missing church this Sunday because I am working. When I heard the words, "This is the plan...I am leaving this evening for Las Vegas...can you work Sunday 10-5?" I said sure. I was thinking 10, I'll go to first service; five, I'll be a little late for my sister's birthday party. This can be done.

I'd actually misheard him, 10-7 so I would basically completely miss Heidi's party. This can be remedied easily, Mom, you're having four more guests than you thought. After I got home I realized that if I went to church I wouldn't be able to get to work on time unless I left during the service. Right around this time my phone decided it was going to be stupid. (And it is still being stupid.)

When I first realized that ten o'clock was exactly the wrong time, I thought, well, I could bring the children to church with me. They would probably be ridiculously naughty and I would stress out a lot. But, I could handle that right?

Ha. Ha. Ha. I texted him if that would be okay (I mean, I already had permission to take them places and whatever but I wanted to double check). He texted me back saying that he would try and get a relative to do the deed so that I wouldn't have to miss church.

No! Not what I meant, I wrote back saying it was fine, I'll be there at ten, no big deal, yadda yadda. And that is when my phone decided to be stupid. I need to call my provider or something because I am not getting service. Anyway. I stressed out a lot last night because I wasn't receiving any texts back, not realizing that I wasn't getting replies because my phone wasn't working. I just figured it was because I wasn't getting sent anything. And there you have the cause of last night's stress out.

So, now the only thing I have to stress about is the birthday.

Do you know how much time I spend worrying about loosing my job or some other equally horrible scenario? Yes. You got that right. I worry about it all the time. I worry about it when potty training doesn't go well, I worry about it when scrubbing out the bathtub doesn't get checked off the list. I worry about it at times like now when someone else is spending the night over and not me.

So. Here I sit. Stressing out and listening to the Glee cover of Friday. And planning on making a cherry pie and mini m&m cookies. I am just setting myself up.

Now, I shall read until bed time (about forty minutes) unless supper is ready by then. In that case, I will eat and then go to bed.

The end. I hope you came to this end honestly.

1 comment:

Kiwi D. Fruit said...

Aw, Kristen. Sounds rough. =/ I'm sorry you won't be at church Sunday. You won't be able to laugh at my Powerpointing skillz!
I'm working til 9:30ish Saturday night, which means I'll not be getting home til 10ish, and then I'm faced with the tough decision of to shower right then and there, or make sure I have all the slides and sermon notes correct, then go to bed and get up EARLY Sunday morning to shower before church. And then I have to blowdry my hair, which would be about the only thing I could do with it, and when I do it that way it tends to look mildly lousy. Or at least messy.
But if I go to sleep with it wet....Let's just say I'd better never do that when I'm married--my husband'd take one look at me and skedaddle!

So yeah.

Why would you be upset about it raining Monday? Missing the game? That would stink. I don't cope well with messed-up plans.

I was looking through old blog posts and noticed all the long comments we left each other! What happened to those? I bet I know. Facebook happened. I spend too much time on there, waiting for Someone to say Something. Anyone, anything. =P I should do more long comments. Like, instead of talking to you on Facebook, I'll try to comment on here. Except when it's urgent. K? K.