Seven Friday Shorts

1. This is a post in which I come up with seven different topics and write about them in 10 minutes. The goal is to have this post up and posted before 11:30.

2. Square dancing is not for pansies. Square dancing is so much fun. Who would have thought it would be so much fun? Had a grand old time of it tonight, more tomorrow! Weee! :)

3. I have mostly got over the episode of "I suck" that swept in on my sometime Wednesday. I've reached a point of, "I am human, thus I make mistakes. There's a future, I'll try not to make that mistake again."

4. I ate so badly this week. Oh, me. So bad. I am currently eating Wonka's Bottle Caps. Today I had McDonalds, ice cream, sugary snacks, and way too many Bottle Caps. This is only the first week of the holiday season, I need to get a grip!

5. This week I bought a Little Miss shirt. It's purple and says "little miss sunshine" on it. I have succumbed to the dark side!

6. How is it that I know so many amazing people? Do other people know as many amazing people as I know? I hope everyone is blessed like I am.

7. There! A post in like five minutes! Not a quality post but, who cares. Just a little note from me.

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