On the Weather

I haven't got much to say at the moment, it is too hot and nasty to be eloquent.

I hate this kind of weather, I always have. It's hot and the air is so humid that you feel like you've got ten pounds of extra weight on each arm and twenty on each leg. It is too hot to sleep, too hot to eat, too hot to read.... Instead you just lay around panting and sweating like a...something.

That's all I have to say: it is hot and we're all going to die.

I've had a headache for a few days in a row an been tired from an inability to sleep. Also, the children are wandering around listlessly with beads of sweat clinging to their faces.

I wish we had air conditioning and that if we had it we would use it. That's something I'm add to my When I Grow Up list.


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