
I have so much on my mind right now. Blah! Half of what is on my mind I would rather not think about and that makes it worse.

I just ran across this "Blogging for Books" thing put on by a Waterbrooks Multnomah Publishing. You sign up, request a book, they send it to you (free!), you read it, post a review on your blog, and keep the book for yourself. There are prizes for best this and best that which will be determined and dolled out in January of 2012, really nice prizes like cash, iPods, and free lunches. Bloggers who do not post their reviews within ninety days will be suspended and unsubstantial reviews will be deleted.
I would be a member of that last party. I cannot write a review to save my life. It's really sad. :( Perhaps, though, I could manage to dodge the deletion and get the free books anyway. That would be nice.
They do have the slowest website ever--however, that could be because I have eleven tabs open at the moment.

Why do I have eleven tabs open? Because my sister and I are using my laptop to try and write an amazing Christmas skit. Is it amazing? No, but Heather has hope that it is on the verge of amazingness. I am not seeing it and we keep getting stuck, one a day we look at it and the tabs I keep open and write a few great paragraphs and then things dwindle and we give up for the day.

Mom has signed us all up for a conference today. A three day conference about an hour away; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I am sure the conference would be most excellent but I am not a particular fan of relocating for three days. That is a prospect that I find overwhelmingly unpleasant and stressful. Gah! If we are planning to go there and back every day, hurrah! So much less frightening. I love to sleep in my own bed. :)

Oh, dearie me, I have a job interview tomorrow. The lady who is interviewing me has infant twins, I have heard rumors that they are cute. :)

Gah! Christmas shopping, Christmas shopping--whatever shall I do? So, my family exchanges names and I am so lost at what I shall buy my person. I was looking at something with my person and she (yes, it's a she) commented on how she liked the thing we were looking at and blah-blah so I got it. It was a small thing so I want to add something else to it. Chocolate? My person is female so I think that chocolate would make sense.
I have such a hard time Christmas shopping, deciding what my person most desires and would be most blessed by. It's not an area in which I have expertise.

*mind is blown* After an extreme build up of pressure, an object will explode (or implode) as the case may be.

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