A Jumbled Assortment of Paragraphs

I am wearing a very lovely bracelet today. It was a Christmas gift from my grandparents. Of course, the matching earrings and necklace are lovely too but the bracelet is my favorite.

I went dancing yesterday and I still cannot get over myself. I was so awful yesterday! I feel like I spent the whole night being pulled along or else blundering along or else causing everyone else to be pulled or blunder. It was dreadful! I don't know what my problem is, I think it is the fact that I left the house feeling really, really stressed and that just lent to me being a little...out of it? Despite my terrible dancing, it was a blast.

Dancing is a lot of fun; the moves arranged in different patterns, the people, the yummilish food, the people, and the moves arranged in new and different and intricate patterns.

I may be going dancing again the week after next. A dance that is, like, a whole hour away. A little more driving than normally done for a dance, you know, but still, it should be a lot of fun. I mean, really, apparently the whole group is comprised of young, homeschooled, Christian, seriously amazing dancers. How fun would that be? And the caller is really great, he is a young old pro. He's got mad caller skillz. He has mad Irish accent skillz as well which multiplies his skill points by three squared.

I could really use a good stack of soft, fluffy, tasty pancakes slathered with butter and doused in yummy, sticky syrup. Mm-mm. Yummy. Oh so very delicious. :)

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