The Oldest Song I Like

And the winner is...Blue Christmas! Elvis Presley FTW.

I just looked up a bunch of my favorite songs and artists from past decades and turns out that Blue Christmas, released in 1957 is the oldest song I like. (Not including hymns and folk songs and little ditties no one can really date.)

I would say about 90% of the music I listen to is over a decade old. When you get in my car I've probably got the seventies playing. Pretty much everything I looked up was mid-60s to the 70s for the oldest stuff. We have good music nowadays too, I love some of the current stuff, too. Some of my favorite songs are within the last ten years or so. There's just more good music to choose from the older you go.

Honorable mention goes to Jimmie Rogers' Uh-Oh I'm Falling in Love Again. That song was released in 1958.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Mmmm... yay for old music! :D