Thirty Songs in Thirty Days XII & XIII

A song that is connected with a good memory. I'll Make a Man Out of You, the song from Mulan. I remember, late one night, after a dance, driving home with some of my siblings and some of my friends. In my car, singing this (and a couple of other Disney tunes) super loudly. It was so fun.

A song I could play on repeat indefinitely and never get tired of it. I've had this one picked out from the beginning. I don't know that I could really ever play one song over and over into infinity. But, in theory, I could listen to The Impossible Dream for ever. I love that song. I'm speaking of the song from the musical, The Man of La Mancha. My favorite version is song by Colm Wilkinson. Nobody else does it as well.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Both of those songs are awesome! :D