My Five Day Week

So I am back after five days. I banned myself from touching the computer and banned myself from taking Pantagruilian (my iTouch) out of the dock. (For those who don't know me: I do this every now and then. It's a break from my computerholic ways.) I took "notes" of my week. I generally sat down twice a day and wrote down various things. It'll make nice blog fodder; here's the edited version.
I just got back from church. About twenty-five minutes ago. It's currently two-thirty and I sit here waiting for lunch to appear.
Um, I had a singular time this morning. The sermon was good (about Stephen) and the siblings didn't yabber and rustle papers the whole time. We sang Blessed Be Your Name (among others)... And of course, I enjoyed catching up with my friends. I haven't seen any of them for two weeks! That's half a month! *dies*
Also, spoke a bit with He Who Shan't Be Named. He's a funny guy, I feared our group would be turned into hopeless laughing once, but we recovered. He also told us (Kale and I) who we will be interviewing for April. Splendid!
That's all for now. I intend to spend today spending the day sitting around reading the PSE book I got from the library; only to be interrupted by super and my table chore duty...
End of Sunday--
I lost one of my earrings today. Also broke the zipper in my sweater, but I think the pair of pliers I applied to it fixed it. Or so I hope.

Watch that if you love me. Rapunzel told us about some cool videos today after church (at my church everyone stands around for a hour or so fellowshipping with each other, and sometimes they drink coffee too). After watching the videos she told us about we got hooked on watching a ton of first dances at weddings. Funny! So that's what that's for. But watch this one too, just for the sake of it:
If I know Kiwi, she'll think that video is weird.

Also, my PSE book is unforgivably boring and we may be having Bible study again! (Is having your sentence include two completely opposite things bad grammar?) Apparently a couple of people are coming over on Thursday. People! Someone I'm not related too! :P
My ear hurts...and my finger, incase anyone was wondering. [I hate IE, BTW.]
Today is our day off. It's still a school day but The Store isn't open and that is good. After a little persuasion from my sister we went shopping today. Goodwill being the main stop and Jo-Ann's (my request) and Walmart (for my brother's birthday supplies) being secondary.
At Goodwill I got eight shirts and one pair of shoes. One of my shirts has fantastic buttons (actually, they're snaps that look like buttons) ShortStuff would be pleased. The shoes are dark purple, light red/pink purple, cream, and black flats--no idea what I shall wear them with. I'll find something someday, though. Sooner or later. I also found a weird but exquisite necklace, it was part gold chain and part brown chain and had all kinds of things on it but the great purple glass-ish lily was significantly broken so I left it behind. *weeps* It was weird, definitely, but weird is the new coolness. Just like strange is the new normal. *can't believe she stooped to a Phil Joel sentence. :P *
You remember the necklace I got for Christmas and how I said the pendant was ugly and gaudy but the beads were really pretty? Well, when I went to Jo-Ann's I got $3 of jewelry making equipment and have since given it a make over. Not the most amazing work of art ever, but, I'm pleased.
And, we didn't do anything interesting ast Wal-Mart.
I was going to use the computer today. I have to do my welcoming, you see, and I needed to renew a library book. On Mondays it's my duty to cook breakfast. I tell myself a dozen times before I fall asleep "I have to remember to wake up" and then I wake up at 3am and lie halfawake-halfasleep until my iPod starts talking to me (i.e. plays music) at six. At which point I was going to get up and welcome, renew a library book, write the church's securtary a email, and look up a recipe for something fantastic to make for breakfast but our internet was down. (Nine hours later and it's still down.) So I abandoned the idea of welcoming on time, I think I have a day or two before the book is due, I'll ask the securtary on Thursday when she comes, and for breakfast I made something up.
1/4 stick of butter
1 3/4 packs of cream cheese, softened
1 small onion, chopped
30 eggs
4 pieces of turkey bacon (you can use the regular kind if you like, of course)
and... some shredded cheese
It made a fine breakfast. I got so many comments my ego exploded before nine o'clock. :P
Well, that is all. I must go study for a test now. Abyssinia!
End of Monday--
Well, today being my little brother's birthday (he's two, now). We had sundaes for supper (with meatball and garbonzo beans soup--we didn't have sundaes only). Random sibling quote for today:
Sister #1: Let's see if we can slurp our soup without making any noise like the guy in Florence Nightingale.
Sister #2: Okay! I can do that: shhhhhhhhhlurrrrrrch.
I found my retractable USB cord! (Not in the cushions, GuitarGirl, but thanks anyway.)
End of Tuesday--
I welcomed today.
I started to take my test but was dragged off.
I spent a hour today making myself depressed was a accident. Two hours later I was over it, though.
I went to work today. Also did breakfast table chores, as is my Tuesday duty.
Lastly, been reading Call of the Mall by Paco Underhill. Rather interesting. I've only been to the mall, like, five times in my entire existance and only one of those times was for fun (and we only stayed for 20mins and visited three shops).
So, yes, interesting book but it's making me feel deprived. :P
I don't like physics! Oh, wait, *cough* this is earth science, introductory chemistry, and introductory physics. Waaaaay different. (Why do I need to take introductory chemistry and chemistry at the same time? :P ) Currently the teacher is trying to (and failing to) teach me about metric and English units and how to convert between them and inside of them. He says I'm not allowed to just move the decimal point around and I have to use his confusing system. Confusing, yes, I can't make heads or tails of it. But, I suppose, in order to be a properly educated adult, I must learn this. Poor me.
Chemistry is easier than this physics stuff. Fewer words. :P Math with words is confusing. Science was fun until the chemicals and "the reason why" came along. Who cares about why it happens? Isn't it enough to know that it does?
*switches gears* I finished The Call of the Mall this morning. Apparently McDonald's and Gap are suffering in Japan and American teenagers spend $200 at the mall, weekly. Is it just me or is $200 weekly a ton? I was going to read Why We Buy but I couldn't find it. It's orange and missing...or maybe it's red...
Um, random: My first words (after "mom" and "dad" a few times and "blue" once) were "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." I was two and a half--but if you're gonna do it, might as well do it right. :P Have I ever said that in a "random things about me" tag?
And today is my day off but I do need to go make lunch. Cherrio, my good man.
End of Wednesday--
I loaded two webpages today. *hides* One was a recipe site were I got a potato soup recipe. Then I remembered we used all the potatoes last night so I loaded my blog and searched the backfiles for that split pea soup recipe. This time I burned the onions instead of cooking them (or is it saute?) in the olive oil and butter. Oops. And I put in some carrots and celery. The last "batch" was better.
I didn't make the cortini (was that what it was called?) this time because I didn't think it was all that fantastic. So I just made my normal biscuit recipe but added some onions and garlic powder and less flour and more milk.
I also made lunch. Well, I just cooked some rice and dumped it in the (heated up) garbonzo bean soup leftovers.
And I did the super table chores with Dad...
And I read/browsed two cookbooks. Beat This! and Beat That! I mainly just read the recipe's introductions because the author always has something funny/amusing to say. I did find the Concord Grape Pie recipe. We'll have to make that this summer. (For those who don't know: my family as a grape arbor thing in the backyard which we snack off all the summer long and my sisters made jam once, but that is all.)
My six-in-a-few-weeks-old brother bit me today. Three times. Alot of my younger siblings have nasty tempers.
Um, that is all. Except: there is a great and marvelous joy that comes with having a dryer. Thank you mr-guy-from-church!
There. Now I'm done.
Thursday--So far today, in no particular order, I have...
-Gone to work
-Made lunch
-Cleaned house
-Did the breakfast table chores
-Yelled at my siblings
-Inhaled the spring-y outdoors
-Loved the Newsboys and Paul Colman and revisited Relient K's MmHmm
-Loved the skirt my sister has (finally) made for me ( :P at Heather)
-Considered my fantastic theatre ideas
-Picked up five boxes of books from the library
-Disliked John Cooper's voice *hides*
-Listened to Way FM for a little
Um, that's about it. Now I'm just sitting here listening to VOTA (extra-or-d'nar-ay). Company in a hour. *picks up In a Mirror and starts reading*
End of Thursday--
Company and the renewal of Bible study was fun. Our leader's name is very English. Edward George. And his wife's favorite book is Les Miserables (unabridged). Hear this, Alyosha? They (a lady with a baby, a couple, and another lady whos fullname rhymes) brought three kinds of soup, and a bag of cheese slices, two round loaves of breads, a jug or two of apple juice. And my sisters made cookies (and they brought frozen fruit and yogurt but they were left uneaten). It was very good! We were made to give our names and our favorite book/tv show/movie as a way of introduction. My siblings turned name into fullname. First, middle, and last. I gave mine and said my favorite book was Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. Most of my other siblings said one of Regina Doman's books.
In the middle of the watching of the (John Piper) DVD the phone rang. It was a guy from church wanting five of us girls to help with a skit in church Sunday (both services). A skit to promote some seminar or conference or something. We've got two days to come up with something off his ideas...Oh, boy.
Also, we talked to the securtary and she said she'll mention our pleas for Easter theatre opportunities at the meeting on Monday. She requested that I emailed the skit to the church. A skit to "write" and a email to send. My "no computer till Sunday" mindset is wavering. Ack. Tomorrow's Friday, I shall be reunited to the computer tomorrow.
Random: my siblings are obsessed with Regina Doman's books. My (5 and 7yo) brothers are running around saying "Liar!" and there is a Fish quote on our dry erase board. Such a fine life.
That's the end of what I wrote. So, I got on the computer this morning. When I got up this morning I got on the computer and found waiting for me:
Email: twenty-five new pieces
FaceBook: thirty-six notifications, seven new updates, five other requests, and one message in my inbox.
Twitter: (about) a hundred forty new tweets
Blog: seven new comments and a unknown amount of other people's posts are being left unread
And...who knows what else.
Today we didn't do much. I sent our two Easter plays (Death Doesn't Become Them--the undertaker one, Kiwi--and another one about the high priest from the single digits AD) to the church for the inspection of the pastor and co. If they're doing/were going to do a Easter Concert we could have done them without inspection but if they're going to be in one of the services then they need inspection. Or, so it seems. Anyways... We also have come up with and practiced a skit for church. It's working out pretty well. I set a camera on one of the bookshelves in the living room and videoed this process. I'll have to upload it to Facebook or something.
And, lastly, I am so happy! And excited! And pleased! And happy! And excited! And pleased! I found out today that the Newsboys are coming here! *faints* They're going to be a hour and a half away in May. *bounces* iTickets says VOTA is going to be there, too, and Bread of Stone might (they don't have anything listed for that day yet) but DecembeRadio will not be going to play at that show. They'll be playing at Agape Festival on that night, instead. No nearby dates, no near by dates, no nearby dates for months and then suddenly they list two days that are three hours away and one date that's one and a half hours away. :P Goodbye, REACH!


Daughter of Eve said...

Ah, He Who Shan't Be Named. *understands why group nearly broke into helpless laughter* Yes, I must say, it's rather difficult not to be dissolved in laughter! :P

Alyosha said...

This post didn't appear in my updates list. *frowns at Blogger* Oh well, here we are, here we go, or whatever. Commenting makes a welcome distraction from essay-writing. Welcome back!

Haha, I learned metric/English conversions every year from kindergarten to eighth grade and can't remember a thing about them. Go me. :P Metric is way easier though. Physics is misery. Vast sympathies.

Well then. Good for Mrs George. :D So there *are* one or two non-NW people in the world who have read Les Mis (and unabridged, how smashing), having only met 0.5, I was beginning to lose hope.

Regina Doman, ah. Someday I'll get my sister to read them, but it would take a lot to make the rest fond of them. Have your siblings heard the books read, or just heard about them?

This blog posts makes me hungry. Then again I've been hungry all day but potato soup (even if non-existent), biscuits, Random Unnamed Egg Recipe, oh the dramatic agony and all that.

The Newsboys will be here, by the way; I think "OWAN" every time I see one of the overly-plentiful posters. Tickets sold out looong ago but two of my friends are going. Said friends are awed at the amount of songs and fandom that you possess, by the way. Or wait, was it them or another friend...well, somebody's awed. :P

Alyosha said...

^Will be here this month, I meant. *bewails the sad lack of an edit button*

Daughter of Eve said...

I've heard the "surely goodness and love" story. :P Well, if you're gonna say something, that's one of the best choices possible! :D

~Queen Lucy~

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Heyz, I'll comment all 'bout the post later.
'Twas lovely seeing you at church today! I enjoyed the skit. Mr. M. is so....crazy!!

Have you seen NBsite???
I'll wait for The Announcement to say anything about it....

Daughter of Eve said...

This cannot be happening. This just cannot be happening. It really can't. Peter can't leave. He can't. He can't. He can't. He just can't do it. This really cannot be happening. I must be dreaming. I'll wake up soon. Maybe not. Please tell me it's not true though! But you can't. Oh sorrow!!!

I loved the skit too! :P Poor Heather. :P :D