The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge: I & II

I ran across this this morning, it's a challenge for the month of December. Every day you are given one prompt for reflecting on 2009 and the things you did therein. It sounds fun and interesting and a good idea so I'm going to participate. It's the 6th already so I'm going to have to do two prompts a day until I catch up. :)

December 1st--Trip.

Well, in 2009 I took several trips. Such as, in January, going to Peoria, IL for Winter Jam '09 with Samantha, Kiwi, Lauren, Heather, Kelsey, Katelyn, and Heidi; in July, Lifest in Oshkosh, WI with Kelsey; and, in October, going to New York with my grandparents, Kelsey, Katelyn, and Heidi.

All these trips were, in and of themselves, very fun! The loud music of Winter Jam and the lack of sleep afterward gave me a headache. Becoming friends with the Benjamin H. and Nate H. (also Evan K. and Alex H., but not to such a great extent) at Lifest.

But really, the most awesome trip has to be the New York trip. I can't really say why--it was just a lot of fun! A list of the states traveled in in the order traveled...

Wisconsin (start)
Illinois (Union Station)
Indiana (train stop)
Ohio (train stop)
Pennsylvania (train stop)
New York
Pennsylvania (gas stop)
New York (through)
Pennsylvania (through)
New Jersey
New York
Pennsylvania (breakfast stop)
Ohio (lunch stop)
Indiana (supper stop)
Michigan (detour)
Illinois (through)
Wisconsin (end)

I am glad that the list ends with Wisconsin. New York is a lovely place and all and very enjoyable to vacation in but I would definitely not like to live there. As horrible as this may be, one of the first reasons for this is there are a great deal too many trees and rocks and hills! Yes, that is exactly what makes New York beautiful but--can you tell I've spend most of my life in Wisconsin? A flat land of open fields and, quite officially, a rock-less land. I love to see a flat horizon in all directions, and the rocks would just annoy me.

December 2nd--Restaurant moment.

Oh, dear.... I do not go out to eat very often.



Okay, I cannot think of any restraurant experience this year except one that happened in New York and I don't want to talk about New York when I just did, and fast food does not count. If it did I would either started talking about Hardee's or standing in line in Subway talking about vaccines, disease, and death. :P

Oh, wait! I think this was the year I went to the Crackerbarrel with Mom. The food was pretty good, not the most amazing thing ever, but I liked it. It was several months ago so I don't really remember what I ate but the main event was the rueben sandwhich.

Like I said, I went there with Mom after we had been shopping for awhile. I think it might have been on my birthday, but I don't remember exactly. We say two friends from church well there, that was cool. One of the gals we saw is such a sweet, cute little girl (okay, big girl but I'm always thinking of her as little), she doesn't work there any more, it was nice to catch her that day and snatch a few words.

Last but not least, the Crackerbarrel decorations amused me.

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