The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge: V & VI

December 5th--Night out.

This one is a tough one. What about the night we had thirteen people over sometime in the middle of May? We mostly just played Clue, charades, and Malarky while inhaling various snacks (the cookies disappeared first).

Also, Talent Night was a great night. Watching the meteor shower was a fun night. WinterJam was a loud night. There was the night that included eating Scott's meatballs and giggling, also attempting to play euchre but I'm not smart enough for that game.

I think Talent Night wins out. It is just about the night I look forward to the most. What is better than watching your friends embarress themselves on stage and in front of a crowd? :P No, everybody has loads of talent and it is very fun to watch and very amusing at times. Of course, our act, Sofapillio, was the best act. Just because we're supertalented like that.

Also, standing in the foyer during the intermission laughing and being obnoxious and doing stupid things and making snarky comments. I have this fleeting feeling the the intermission was very loud. I seem to remember shouting so the person I was talking to could hear me.

December 6th--Workshop or conference.

With Calvin in the Theater of God is the closest thing I can come up with to fill "workshop or conference."
It was early October, it started on the evening of Friday the 9th and ended on Saturday the 10th at about 4PM. It was very interesting. It included about half a dozen speakers, I can't remember any of their names except John Piper.
I liked the first speaker best, I like when a speaker can make a lesson through a story. It is easier to follow and seems, even, more real.
John Piper was the last person to speak and his haircut was weird. :P I'm used to seeing him in the Battling Unbelief videos where we shows a whole bunch of slides with Bible verses on them, with ecstasy he slays his slides with his red pen and it can get amusing.
He had no red pen when he was With Calvin in the Theatre of God and that made me sad.
Weird haircut <>

One thing I remember doing during one of the intermission thingies was standing around Paul M., who was laying on a bunch of chairs, and making silly, pointless comments. As I recall, it got awkward really fast. :P

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