
Today, oh my ever faithful readers, is my blogiversary! I have know been blogging for four whole years! :)

...And in four whole years I've only posted a measly number of posts, this being my two hundred and eightieth. Four hundred by my fifth blogiversary? (Understand: four hundred will not be a blog goal, it just might be fun if it just so happens to happen.)

I do not know the number of comments that I've gotten for those posts and I have no way of finding out and don't care all that much. Just understand that all the comments were lovely and I appreaciate every thoughtful one!

In my four years I have used three different blog hosts. First it was HomeschoolBlogger for two years, then I was on Xanga for about a year, and then finally I came to the supreme blog host of all blog hosts thus far: Blogger. :) The only other host that might possibly be higher than this one would be Wordpress but I do not have any desire to do any blog uprooting.
In case you are wondering, all blog posts I have ever posted (except one that I know of/remember) are on this blog. I manually moved them all here before I deleted those blogs. (The only thing I moved was the post content, title, and timestamp.)

Here is to many more ages of happy blogging! ;D

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

Happy blogiversary!