Rhetoric and Sarcastic and Davidisms

An example of rhetoric, supplied by Erik:
"You know, a rhetorical question is like, when someone sees a lot of presents and they ask 'Who can describe them?' when they don't really want you to describe them they just want to prove a point. That's a rhetorical question."
(Erik gets his example straight out of this House of Mouse: The Nutcracker video that he likes to watch.)

An example of sarcastic, supplied by David:
"It's like when you're playing with water guns and somebody hits you, you go to his dad and tell him, 'Mr., your brilliant son just hit me.' That's being sarcastic."
(David gets his example from...uh...I don't know.)

David: Somebody stole my tooth! And there's no dollar under my pillow!
Heather: Well, the tooth fairy is sleeping on the couch in the living room. Go take it up with him.

Dad: *mutters about the woes of life*
Heather: It's insult to injury, isn't it?
David: (to Heather) He is? (to Dad) I'm sorry, Dad!

Kelsey: *coughs*
Kristen: Cough, cough, cough.
Kelsey: Don't mock me!
David: I'm not mopping you!


Brenda said...

Love it, Kristen. I am glad you observe and appreciate the wonder of being a child. It's great.

Brittany November said...
