Another Day

I had a doughnut today. Oh, bliss, sinful bliss. I looove doughnuts, I love them entirely too much.

And I just got home from work. I spent too much of today feeling utterly useless. My thoughts were, "I'm being payed time and a half to do this?" ("This" is "wander around trying to find work for myself to do.")

On the way home from work I was trying to think how many hours I've clocked this week. Over fifty hours, I know that. I am thankful for the extra hours because, well, winter is coming and I have no, shall we say, winter coat. And, friends, coats are expensive.

I kind of need another pair of sneakers, too. Shoes are so painfully expensive.

I am home alone today. All alone, all day long. What am I going to do with myself? Suddenly I want to get my Facebook back. Well, not suddenly. I had this desire yesterday, too. But right now I want to status that I am home alone with nothing to do. I'd status it and then hope that someone says, I am free today/tonight, let's do something!

But when I got off Facebook someone said, "Don't worry, you'll get back on. Everybody gets back on eventually." I took that as a challenge, someone daring me to stay off. Betting against me succeeding. It would be an affront of my honor to get back on Facebook. (Correct use of "affront"? Yes, no?)

And not doing anything today would certainly cost less. Going somewhere would at least cost gas, maybe more. So instead I am going to hang out at home with all the good intentions of doing laundry, showering, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, other tasks.

Instead I'll probably spend the majority of today resting my sore feet and listening to David Crowder's Oh, Happiness on repeat.


Krystina said...

(This is ForeverFan from NW.... not sure if you remember me/we met?)

Anyway, good for you for going off Facebook! I did the same too, along with my sister. At first I was off for about eight weeks over the summer, and then I went back for about three weeks.... and then I went off it again, hopefully this time for a long time. :) I kind of understand what you mean about someone challenging and daring you to stay off it, I hope you greatly succeed. :D

Anyway, the whole point of this comment was to let you know that you're not alone in the being off facebook world. :)


Miss Me said...

Doughnut's are so delightfully baadd. x)hehehe I luv em

Anonymous said...

Apple donuts....yum