In Which I Speak on a Little Itch

I have this annoying little spur in my soul, it's called my conscounce*, and should be banned off the face of the universe--I will settle for just having it knocked off the surface of my soul if necessary.

What would I like to be doing right now? Happy to tell you: I would like to take my book and my music and run away and hide.

Would you like to know why? Happy to tell you: because company is coming and the house is one ghastly, singularly unholy mess.

I know, I could just go clean it and that would take care of the whole problem. Not only could I do this but I definitely should. I should because if you want something done (especially if you want it done right), you have to do it yourself. Also, if I don't I will be guilty of Not Helping. (We will not go into who exactly I won't be helping because that is thorny ground.)

I'm definitely do not want to clean because I have a few dozen pages left in my book and the last chapter ended in something of a cliffhanger, I'm tired of being (probably only in my imagination) the imbodiment of we-don't-have-to-clean-because-Kristen-will-do-it, and it is definitely very, very messy and blah. Oh, and if that's not enough: cleaning is also very good at giving me a bad mood, which is, well, bad. There are very few annoyances worse than non-helpers, less than efficient workers, and those special people who don't finish the job and there is very little more depressing than the fact that your best attempt to clean isn't going to do as much as you would like it to.

On cheerier notes: my camera is due to arrive in the mail today and I've had the song Kiss the Girl stuck in my head on and off since it played on my Pandora yesterday afternoon.

*Even homeschool has it's shortcomings, or maybe it's just my brain that possesses the shortcomings.

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