What Next?

People have been asking me for the last age, and especially of late, what I'm going to do after highschool. I don't know. Highschool has been through for a month and I'm no more enlightened than I was. Of course, I know what I want to do but that is different from what I will do. As awkward as this subject makes me feel, let me explain.

What I want to do is simply this: I really, really want to run my own home. Be a housekeeper/homemaker. That is literally my dream job. (I literally mean literally because it is what I dream about a lot and think about fondly.) I want to get in a, I guess you can say, business partnership with some guy (who I will marry before all this, in case you're wondering :P ) where I cook for him, launder his clothes, clean his house, make his home comfortable for him and his guests, and attempt to keep his yard in order--all in exchange for my room and board. :)

I would love that so much, stay at home wife is my dream job. I desire a beautiful house (translation of beautiful: clean and not falling apart in any way). If possible I would also like a rosebush and a guest room, if it has a nice view, all the better. I will dust and vacuum and fold laundry. I particularly look forward to the food parts: planning meals, cooking, grocery shopping, gardening, canning and preserving, berry picking, etc., etc., etc. I will try very hard and do the best job at all the things I desire to do and should do. Like it says in the Bible, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.

So there you have that, what I want to do. There are two particular hurdles that I'll now mention:
1. The possibility that I will never get married or won't until I'm, like, thirty-six. (Please, no.)
2. In order for this to happen I would have to get married (I do not want to live alone nor do I want to roommate) and I am not joining eHarmony. (In other words, I'm not planning on going looking. One reason for this is that, in my opinion, it is not romantic.)
Those two problems might look identical to you, they sure look similar to me, but I always think of the separately.

So now we come to the "what are you going to do next" issue and it's a definite issue. Two things that would be helpful when/if I get to be a SAHW:
1. Knowledge and experience in life matters and housekeeping/homemaking.
2. A cushion of savings and such.
Of those I believe I have the second part of #1 pretty near covered: I know a lot and I know where to go when I don't know something. I believe the first part of #1 can never be fully reached as a sinful human, there is always more to know. (Okay, that bit is badly worded but I nope you get my drift. Has for the #2 bit, the obvious step is very unobvious.

Now I've considered this unobvious obvious problem for sometime now, from what I can see I can either:
1. Determine some enjoyable career and from there a field of study, spend money I don't have studying that field and then go make money in the field. The problem that I see: this includes aquiring a debt and the time between now and I start making money is pretty big.
2. I can get some sort of no-experience-necessary job right away and start getting an income. The problem: the income would be smaller.

As far as I can see (and, believe me, I don't pretend to be brilliant) the second option is best. I think I've pretty much decided that I'm not going to go to college, but please don't hate on me. Who knows, I might change my mind. :)
Anyways, in my attempt to accomplish the cushion making thing I've been job hunting. At the moment I am applying for a job making pizza at a pizza place. I like to cook so this could be good. I hope to finally turn in my application tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Anyways. That was me blabbin' but I'm going to show you some mercy and sign off. (I apologize for all the mistakes in this post, I really don't feel like proof reading right now.)

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

Ugh. I hated the whole "SOoOoOo! What are you going to do now?" question when I finished high school.