Day #15

Today is the 15th of November, otherwise known as the 15th day of literary abandonment. Yes, I'm talking about NaNoWriMo, that ridiculious fifty thousand words in thirty days novel challenge. That glorious thirty day rat chase and typing frenzy. You're one with you creative side and inseparable from your pen(cil)/keyboard.
I love NaNoWriMo. It's fun. I love NaNoWriMo for one month out of the year. The rest of the year Idon't really care for it. I love producing the novel but once the novel is produced, all that novel is fit for is being one with the rotting fish heads in the garbage bucket on the street corner.
Be aware, friends, that I am not doing NaNo this year. I will remain strong in not doing it. I have other things to do--like being a responsible young person who is a very studious student. Not that NaNo takes up so much time but---I haven't got a plot anyway! I don't need to bother with NaNo despite the fact I really want to.
Five of the siblings are doing it. Kelsey, Katelyn, and Heidi are doing the adult version of fifty thousand. Alicia and Amalie are both going for ten thousand. They all seem to be enjoying their novel writing--I am rooting for them all--I hope they win! Winning is awesome.
To victory, NaNoers! It's been done--you can do it, too!
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1 comment:

Daughter of Eve said...

I really want to do that... Maybe I'll try next year. =)