First There was Nothing, Then it Exploded

As we pulled out of the church driveway Kale attempted to buckle herself but her buckle was tangled, as she untangled it she told our friend, Scott, "I'm trusting you not to get in an accident until I get my seatbelt fixed" to which he replied, "I can't promise anything but I'll try." She fixed it and buckled up before we crashed.

As we crashed an off-work EMT was driving by. He pulled over and came up saying, "I'm an EMT, please remain calm." Scott and Kale inform me that he was very nice and helpful.

About fifteen minutes after Kale called home saying "We've been in an accident, we'll be late getting home" the song "I Will Survive" came over the radio in the next town. The guy downstairs considered that to be an omen. :P

First there was one big coincidence, then there were several million small ones.

Sent from my iPod


CrimeSceneFairy said...

XD Omen is a funny word.
sorray. Icky @ car crashes. I think I've been in one once or twice, but that's when I was little...and I don't remember the actual crashes. I remember a fireman givun me a bunny because I wasn't being retarded :) :) :) :) :) And because it was my birthday.......
omen is still a funny word

Brittany November said...

About the real job part...I live 8 miles away from the nearest town (Of 400 people;)) and I just got my driver's permit a month ago. Therefore...I have no place to GET a real job ;)

Daughter of Eve said...

Wow, is that God or WHAT?! :D He's so amazing. He just plans everything out so perfectly. :D Glad you're all OK!
