Nota Bene: IV [Fluid :P ]

Today? Hmm, good question.

I think I dreamed about running out of baking powder last night. Maybe. I don't really remember. Well, I quit dreaming at 7 when I got up and read some of The House of Windjammer for it is due on Friday.

I set a second shirt to soak in the bathroom sink. (It had a red/orange spot on it from some paprika flavoured and coloured meat.)

We had pancakes for breakfast. Pancakes that Heather had made. They were good; she's a good cook. We had them with butter, and syrup, and strawberries. Indeed.

I went and took my shirt out of the sink. Half an hour and it was all white! Impressive. I rinsed it and wrung it and rinsed it and wrung it and rinsed it and wrung it and rinsed it and--*cough* It still smelled of bleach after I had done all that. I dumped it in the washer with some other stuff and commenced my laundry date. (BTW, even after I rinsed it excessively and ran it through the washer it still smelled like bleach. :P )

I set up the scanner on Dad's laptop for Mom. I then tried to understand atmosphere and barometers and all that fun stuff. My teacher annoys me, just so you know. Then I went and copied out Gita's meatball and mint yogurt recipe off of Duncan's website. Well, I didn't copy it, really, I looked at it and tripled the amounts before writing them down. Tripling and converting from Australian to American --both at once-- is really hard. :P I kept forgetting this, that, and the other things. :P In the middle of that I remembered that I'm supposed to cook lunch on Wednesday. I remembered at 11:45AM. Whoops. I stuck my recipe on the fridge and threw together a coffee cake and well it cooked I went and used the scanner to make scans of some dot-to-dot that Mom wanted for my tyke-like siblings.
When the coffee cake was done I took it out, ate two pieces, and walked to The Store. (I was late. Blast.) I saw all kinds of things on my walk. A bird took off infront of me... Yes, the novelty as not yet worn off. :P Kale says I look like Uncle Johnson's sister which I can kind of see that.

At The Store I sat around and listed things for a few hours. One lady came in and got all delighted with the whole book thing. She asked where the art books were and then where the WWI books were and then if we had any Hitler because she was "into" him. (Into Hitler? Interesting phenomenon.) She bought three books (I don't even rememeber which ones) and another guy (someone she knew) came and bought a book about Aesop's Fables.

At 3:40 a walked home. I spotted two gold finches at a feeder across the street. Sure sign of spring, I daresay.

I got home and didn't follow the recipe I'd marked out but made the meatballs and dip anyway. I changed a whole bunch of things, as is my way and because we didn't have them. We didn't have any fresh herbs so I just used dried ones (but a third of what was called for), and no parsley so I used...oh, dear, I've forgotten what it's called, and lamb is expensive so I used beef, and no buckwheat flour so I used part plain flour and part oats... I was rather nervous at first but as things went along I became un-nervous. The meat turned out pretty well, possibly too much coriander though. Not sure. And the dip stuff was way too limy (yes, we didn't have any lemon!). Maybe I shall try it again someday and see if I can correct those things and make it perfect. We'll see. What irked me is how many meatballs it produced. The recipe said about 40 and 40x3=120, right? So I should have had 120 meatballs, right? I ended up with about 80. Blah. Not enough! I really am going to have to make it again as there is still quite a bit of dip left over. Blah.

Since Wednesday is my day for super table chores I "stuck around" after eating. That basically means sitting and staring at whoever is finishing last and ho-humming that you have to do table chores on that day of all days. :P Heather is supposed to do them with me on Wednesday, I think, but at 6:39 she suddenly remembered her lesson-thing at church (which had started nine minutes ago) and it takes half an hour to get there...she was, in all honesty, really late for it.

So, I did the table chores, and then messed with my iPod (checked Facebook*, checked Twitter, checked blog...that kind of thing) and then Kale gave up the computer and I got on it and did all the things I've been dying to do since last I was on the computer which was last Friday, I think. Yeah, last Friday.

And now, here I am. I've caught up with myself. How nice. So, does anyone know what happened to Steve? :P

*Some day you need to tell me why you don't want a Facebook, Kiwi.

1 comment:

Alyosha said...

Cookies--props--kudos--whichever you prefer for making a post every day. Very ambitious.

YAY for new glasses. I almost want to walk around without mine for a while to have the fun of putting them on again afterwards. :P Pictures, possibly? ^^

"Into Hitler"--ooh. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. ... Nah, he actually is a v. interesting person to read about. You know there were at least fifteen assassination attempts? All through the war he came THIS CLOSE to being safely done away with. >.<

*wonders if she should feel deprived for never having dreamt of baking powder*