NaBloPoMo, NaNoWriMo, and the Zoo

I have officially failed NaBloPoMo, it totally slipped my mind yesterday! And the day before! Boo. I forgot. Bummer.

NaNoWriMo, however, is doing pretty well. I currently have 30k behind me--only twenty thousand more to go! Woohoo! :) I was planning on actually finishing NaNo on the fifteenth but there is an online Night of Writing Dangerously spin-off on the sixteenth. I think I shall probably save a couple thousand for that. :)
It would be loads of fun (virtual cake and virtual punch and virtual prizes), it would be a shame to finish my novel the day before, wouldn't it?;) It'll be word wars and speeches and other smashingly fantastic entertainment. I look forward to it.

So far, year number four has been a great year. ;)

I went to the zoo the other day. (Going to dramatically change the post topic.) It was fun, I went to the zoo once before when I was much littler and I thought it was the boringest thing ever. The only disappointments were that the otters stubbornly slept through the whole thing, I only heard the lion roar, and I didn't see all the animals (missed four of them). The praire dogs were so funny and cute!! The badger was pretty adorable, too. The flamingoes were hilarious. ;)
They had a very cool rainforest room. It smelled really funky. They had different rainforesty plants and birds. It was very wet. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of birds flying around in there but there were three toucans.

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