A Person Can Develop a Cold

Blah, blah, blah. My nose has been in faucet mode all day long. I think I may have been afflicted with a cold. Lucky for them, I don't know the faulty individual.

Don't you hate the process of falling asleep when you have a cold? I long for sleep when I have one because sleep gives you a break from the constant dripping and you get a few hours peace. The time in between lying down and sleeping? Torture! Your head feels a whole ton bigger because you're not upright and your nose suddenly drips more than ever. I am about to lay down and suffer from this. Not looking forward to it. I hope that sleep will come to me quickly.

This is a bad time for a cold but at least it is not an over-the-weekend cold.

I often think of this song when I have a cold. Particularly the part about "difficult to endure."

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

Ugh! I'm sick too! I got sick on Monday-ish. Tuesday I went in to work at the school cafeteria, today I went to a Thanksgiving lunch at my sister's school, tomorrow I have lunch at my grandparents, and Friday I'm going to a parade with my Single's class in church. This is probably the busiest I've been in two months, and I just had to get sick now. *cough* *hack* *blows nose*