Venting: Read at Your Own Risk

...I am annoyed right now. I do dislike venting on my blog but, even now, I cannot fight the urge to vent somewhere and my blog tends to be the only good place available. (Because I cannot vent to the offender and I've either already vented unsatisfyingly to my family members or else cannot do so for some reason.)

I do consider myself a fairly patient/enduring person. (Ha. Ha. Ha.) I do think that I can have my buttons pushed for a fairly long time before exploding. Let me say, my buttons have just about been pushed.

They were all pushed the other day and I did explode and beg the offender to stop their annoying habit. Tonight, for the second time, I made a strong hint to the offender that I was annoyed with their constantly being annoying.

It seems that the psychological process to be annoyed is: stage one, annoyance; stage two, frustration, stage three, hurt. That is, not saying I am so frustrated that I intend on being violent. My feelings are hurt.

I have asked the offender more than once that I would appreciate it if they would stop this (stoppable) habit and they have ignored my plee which hurts my feelings. The offender doesn't care for me enough to stop pushing my buttons? The offender would rather keep offending than consider me.

I sound awfully whiny. Maybe it'll help my case if I add that I am not the only ofendee, several other people have voiced their irritation.

...This was an unsatisfying vent. It has done no good, the offender is still out there sandpapering people's nerves. This was a terrible vent, but at least I have a NaBloPoMo post now. ;)

1 comment:

Kiwi D. Fruit said...

This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with your sister's Multiple-personality complex, would it? If so, I can understand, because their habit DOES get mildly exasperating after a while, but they just find it amusing when I say something to them about it...

Oh brother.
They...SHE's got ME doing it too now!

If that's NOT what you were speaking of, I still feel pity for you. I love to vent at something, but I can't always vent AT the person and my family doesn't like it. =P